Cargo Van Special, Sign Up Now, Monthly Payment from $545 +Tax.
A Cargo Van keeps you working with the right mix of functional details and and capable strength.
Get started by browsing through our current inventory of Used Cargo Vans and Trucks.
Fill out our easy on-line credit application and find out if you qualify. If you have any questions or concerns please call us at (613) 706-4779 or email us and we'll provide you with an answer to any of your leasing questions.
Interior and Exterior Customization
The beauty of a Cargo van is that the interior can wholly transformed into whatever you want. Include seats for passengers, drawers, lockers, racks & shelves for equipment, ladders, roof racks, different windows and more.
Mobile Branding
With a Cargo van, you have an immediate opportunity to be a moving billboard for your business. Cargo van can be wrapped with your logo, contact information and a strong message of your business. Your Cargo van will be your permanent outdoor advertisement.
Fuel Saving and Reliability
The Cargo vans in the market today are more efficient and reliable. Even the least fuel-efficient Cargo vans are leaps and bounds ahead of box trucks. While the safety features vary from model to model, you can rest assure that the Cargo vans are safe, reliable and efficient.